2023 Week Notes - Week 45

Not a lengthy set of notes this week. I had a week where lots of things were going on but I'm choosing not to disclose all of them here.

I had a short work week this week, working only Monday and Tuesday. I'm glad I decided to use some time off this week as it gave me a mental break. I could have chosen to work more, but I don't think it would have been considered a good choice.

I spent the weekend at Centre Parcs in Longleat to celebrate a family birthday. It was nice to be able to spend time with everyone and take part in activities like archery and pickleball that I wouldn't have otherwise tried. The site was already covered in Christmas decorations, and playing Christmas music. I found it a little overwhelming to be exposed to Christmas quite so early in such a full-on way.

I've got a backlog of TV to catchup on next week as most of the series that I have been watching were releasing episodes later in the week and I haven't got around to watching them yet.

I started working on a page that would display links to all the RSS feeds that I've made for this site. I've got four RSS feeds available now but it isn't obvious that they exist unless you click the RSS icon on the page that the feed is generated from.

What has changed on this site:

  • No changes this week.

What I've been reading:

What I've been watching: